Day 11

Well here it is…the end result of 14 hours on the operating table and 4 months of pain and discomfort. These are my new hips!


You can see the kind of shadows on the left side where the bone has regrown to fill those gaps. Doc says thats perfect – I was kind of expecting it to be a bit more defined, but if he is happy then I’m happy!

The travel day went smoothly, and I was actually pretty comfortable the whole time. We even managed to do a little bit of Ikea shopping once we got into Adelaide. Apart from that everything has been going well. Pain is under control with just the panadol, and with my experiences from last time I am getting around okay. Now for the waiting game…hurry up and grow some bone!

3 thoughts on “Day 11

  1. Hi have just been reading your blog! I’m a girl from New Zealand 11 days post op now. I’m just wondering what painkillers you were taking? I stopped taking morphine shortly after when I got home from hospital because it made me feel so horrible but the pain has definitely increased. Also how much were you moving around in the first two weeks? I worry I have been doing a bit too much and not sitting still enough, which also increases pain! Look forward to hearing from you, thanks. Fran

    • Hi Fran! Once I was out of hospital and at home I was taking endone, and as the pain became more manageable I switched to paracetamol with codeine, and then just normal paracetamol. The most important thing for me was making sure I took the pain killers on time no matter how I was feeling. If you delay taking the pain killers because you think the pain is going away it quickly comes back when the effects of the last dose run out. In the first two weeks I didn’t move much at all. I basically only got up to shower and go to the bathroom. Most of my time was spent laying down as sitting also wasn’t that comfortable for me. I know it is hard to be still and do nothing, but the recovery will be smoother if you do. Rushing back into activity doesn’t really help the recovery process and can delay the healing. Hope you are feeling better and good luck with the recovery! Let me know if you have any more questions 🙂
